John Destefano is a person who deeply loves what he does, his life always went the neighborhood that vicrecer, a very old, witness the stories of boats and fishermen "The Chutes" which still today keeps their old memories, in addition we will find your home and work. Nascent 1953. At 11 years he attended drawing school at night under the direction of Mario Zapatella, local songwriter, who also realizcursos cartoon advertising, an activity that is now done and their support No economical. As adults were attending courses at the Museum of Fine Arts under the direction of Ernesto PECC and Stupia. Trabajtambin in municipal workshop next to the sculptor Carlos Ferrari. Not working order, and sold his multiple works today. Any junk that arrives in their hands is transformed into a sculpture that allows us to explore the sensitivity of his soul, is asque find: a family with old hinges, a couple in love with pion forks and bikes, a Christ, various animals, etc. The most striking is that in all his sculptures can be seen movement, capture feelings, as if each had absorbed a piece of your soul. Combine the aesthetics, feelings and recycling in an attempt to give life to each of the pieces of iron qque retain their essence but which together give rise to a new form, which tendrun meaning "be appreciated "and one intention: to be" art. " His paintings are simple, simple. Allde ms captures a landscape, a boat sailing the creek, feelings, experiences, that the souls of common people are not prepared to express, to let out as a magnificent expression as is art. John dreams of a project: a mural in your neighborhood telling the story of the old port of Canaletas Through his drawings. His sculptures are displayed estn his home in San Lorenzo and Juan Ismael Jimenez 1616, his paintings have found an a public space. Perform various exhibitions in the city. San Pedro has the privilege of having John Destefano belong to this wonderful city, home to several artists. Matilde Career Guide Tourism